
The Game Math Team is responsible for establishing the game rules, setting the prizes and payouts. If the design team was the body and the development team the muscles of our games, game math would be the brain, for sure. While setting the rules for the new games, we also optimize the logic of the existing ones. Have you ever wondered, how do casino games’ payouts really work? Well, this is the team behind those decisions. Join us!

– Work in a team which is responsible for creating the mathematical models for each game.
– Do data analysis to identify possible optimizations to apply to our current and new games.

– Knowledge and experience with an high level programming language:
Python, Javascript, C++ or similar.

– Degree in Mathematics, related field or equivalent experience.
– Probability and statistics

We have:
– Dynamic team integration focused on project delivery
– Lots of work (comes with free coffee, fruit and snacks!)
– Career Evolution
– Mentoring and Talent Development programs
– Soccer and Volleyball
– Power ups
– Health Insurance

Empresa: Fabamaq
Local: Porto
Tipo: Full-time;

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